Unexpected TV Series 2017–


Unexpected TV Series 2017–

FSK 12

FSK 12 | Länge 164 Min. | Auflösung 2160p |
Erschienen am 2012

Director Peter Jackson returns to the world of Middle Earth for the epic fantasy adventure that started it all! Conscripted by Gandalf The Grey and a company of 13 dwarves, Bilbo Baggins sets out to help them reclaim the Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor!

Peter Jackson
Ian Mckellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, James Nesbitt, Ken Stott, Sylvester Mccoy, Barry Humphries, Cate Blanchett, Ian Holm, Christopher Lee, Hugo Weaving, Elijah Wood, Andy Serkis, Aidan Turner, Graham Mctavish, Adam Brown, Peter Hambleton, John Callen, Mark Hadlow, Jed Brophy, William Kircher, Stephen Hunter

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