Genre romance

Filme Streaming bei Netflix

Netflix Streaming Filme - romance

1 bis 2 von 2 Filme die dem Suchbegriff "stream" entsprechen

    [0] => Array
            [id] => 127335
            [api_id] => 15978029364
            [provider] => netflix
            [title] => Love at First Stream
            [description] => Four teens pursue their dreams while navigating their feelings for each other as they dive into the wild world of livestreaming.
            [imdb] => tt15006444
            [trailer] => 
            [trailer_lastcheck] => 0
            [categories] => ["comedy","romance"]
            [imdb_lastcheck] => 0
            [fsk] => 6
            [runtime] => 112
            [year] => 2021
            [resolution] => 1080p
            [intern_url] => love-at-first-stream-127335
            [url] =>
            [image] => 
            [episode] => 0
            [episode_title] => 
            [episode_url] => 
            [season] => 0
            [season_url] => 
            [actors] => ["Daniela Stranner","Kaori Oinuma","Anthony Jennings","Jeremiah Lisbo","Agot Isidro","Huybs Azarcon","Igi Boy Flores","Melissa Gibbs","Pinky Amador","Almira Muhlach","RJ Ledesma"]
            [directors] => ["Cathy Garcia-Molina"]
            [created] => 1674477667
            [data_lastcheck] => 0
            [lastcheck] => 1674835521
            [activ] => 1
